Virtual Graduation Party and Virtual Graduation

Virtual Graduation Party and Virtual Graduation
6/10/2020, 10:30 AM 1:00 PM

June 10th: Graduation Day Online Party 10:30-11:30

Beginning at 10:30 am, Fro and Ko will host and facilitate a “Graduation Party” on Google Meet for students only (and staff) which will be recorded.  Students are encouraged to wear their cap and gown as each gets to say a parting shot/piece of wisdom to their classmates.  A graduation “class picture” will be taken with all students present so bring a smile to match the excitement of the day.

June 10th: Virtual Graduation Ceremony (Released at Noon: Link will be shared on social media, The Six Rivers Website, and via email)

Six Rivers staff and students will present all the elements of our traditional graduation online.  Don’t miss the heartfelt student speeches, the tributes to each graduate from teachers and staff,  and the acceptance of the class as graduates of Six Rivers. Six Rivers is known for its unique approach for honoring graduates. 

A link will be available at noon to view and will be available for all of our Six Rivers community and our extended family and friends. Watch it once or twice, or all night

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