Six Rivers Winter Performance

Six Rivers Winter Performance
12/10/2021, 6:15 PM 7:45 PM

On December 10th the Students of Six Rivers will hit the stage for our Winter Performance. Tickets are now available at Support Six Rivers and have a great evening.

The Annual SRCHS Winter Performance is coming up on the Tenth of December, The show this year will be AliCE, an adaptation of Lewis Caroll’s Alice’s adventures in wonderland, by Jerome McDonough, presented by special arrangement with I.E. Clark Publication, Woodstock. The doors will open at 6:20, and the show starts at 7. The admission cost will be $10, but further donations will be accepted. A silent Auction will additionally occur during the performance, and the culinary class will provide dessert to go. This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, we hope to see you there!

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