Town Hall Meeting Tuesday April 28th - Parent Advisory Committee Thursday April 30th

Six Rivers Community:
First and foremost, I once again wish you all the best of health. Please continue to take the steps advised by health care professionals to keep you and your family safe and well. 
I believe that the way our community of teachers, staff, students, and parents have tackled this challenge amidst this sea of uncertainty underscores our collective strength. So I would like to share my sincere gratitude to you all and encourage us all to persevere, adapt, and make the most of the learning opportunities that are available.
With that in mind, I need to remind you all that the sixth term is underway and that there has been a clarification of the guidelines and expectations for everyone. This was summarized in communication from Superintendent Macdonald which I have attached to this email and is available in the news section of our website. One key element that I would like to underscore is that at this point students are expected to do their best to actively engage in the learning opportunities. Specifically, students are expected to be checking their "Nohum email and Google classrooms each school day" and "To maintain or improve their grade, students will complete the tasks assigned."  Nevertheless, we are fully taking into account the personal situation of each of our students and they "will not be penalized for work they are unable to complete due to the COVID crisis."  Our school has long had a goal written into our Vision Statement of fostering independent and interdependent learners. Now more than ever, these skills are important and I want to assure parents and students that the staff is dedicated to helping students achieve these elements.
Questions I have fielded over the past few days have largely centered around clarification of these expectations as well as questions about long term plans for our school.  In an effort to foster clarity, a town hall-style question and answer session will be held on Tuesday, April 28th at 6 pm with Superintendent Macdonald taking part. An invitation will be extended through Google Calendar. To access the meeting by phone call 
(‪US‬)‪+1 443-671-8781‬
 and use PIN: ‪421 743 211#‬
Over the past several weeks, Six Rivers staff has been attempting to communicate and connect with students who have not engaged in lessons in order to determine the best possible means to support each student.  If your child needs additional support, I ask that you reach out to teachers and support staff via email. Please note that all emails for staff can be accessed on the school website. Moreover, teachers have published times in which they are waiting to meet with and conduct or support lessons virtually. In addition, there are a number of aides and tutors that can meet individually with students. I have attached those hours in this email and it is on our website.  Finally, Blaine at TRiO has offered tutoring support to our students. I have attached a flyer to remind you of her services.  We are all working to the best of our ability given the circumstances to benefit our students. At this point there often teachers waiting for students to log in and support. Please encourage your child to access the available supports.
Finally, next week the Parent Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, April 30th at 6 pm to discuss our current situation and plans for the future.  I believe that input from parents is essential to the good health of our school.  Among the items on the agenda is the progress we made toward plans for Six Rivers. This is an open meeting and I can extend an invitation to you to take part virtually by request. To phone in use (‪US‬) +1 316-536-0659‬ and the PIN: ‪317 180 058#‬.
All my best to you all. 
It is good to be a Pirate.
Ron Perry
Six Rivers Charter High School