Update: Text Book Returns

Students and Parents:
You know the end of the year is almost here when textbooks are being collected! Congratulations, summer is just around the corner. 
As you may know, textbooks are expensive. So, when you are done with your books I suggest you come by AHS and drop them off in front of the school. 

In the words of our librarian Jennifer Berube, "Fines are deleted once books are returned. Students are responsible for the cost of damaged or lost books."

Books may be returned to Arcata High June 8-9th from 10am-2pm and on the 10th from 10 am to 1 pm. Next week, textbooks can be dropped off June 15-17th from 10am-2 pm.
I am on campus most days at this point, so please call 825-2015 and I will provide all the help that I can.
Library staff will be on campus to guide you through the return process. If you have books in a classroom, you will have the opportunity to get them out and return them during those dates and times. Fines may be paid at this time.

Return all books to Arcata High at one time to limit the visitations to the campus. Observe safety protocols (wear masks, stay 6 feet spaced from others, etc.).

Mrs. Berube also reminds us that, "Please return your books as we need them for next fall. During this time of severe state budget cutbacks, we need every book returned. Notices will be sent home with any books that remain on your account by the end of June."

Thanks for all you do! 
Please call with questions.
All my best.
Ron Perry
Six Rivers Charter High School