Six Rivers:
It may be hard to believe but the end of the second term arrives Friday, October 30th. As I shared at the end of the first term, term reports reflect the cumulative progress of students at that point in the semester. The semester will end on December 18th. Grades at that point will be reflected in the official record. So students have about six weeks of learning left to earn the grades they seek. If you have questions regarding the progress of your child in a particular class, please do not hesitate to reach out to their teacher.
I often share with students that to guarantee success they have to show up and try. So, attendance and engagement are extremely important. I want to remind you to call Amber in our office at 835-2428 if your child is absent on any given day. To check attendance on your own, please take a look at ParentVUE.
For more information, I want to encourage our community to check out our daily bulletin. It is a rich resource filled with valuable information from College and Career events, to club announcements, to jokes and trivia. To see the bulletin visit the Six Rivers webpage and consider bookmarking it.
With Halloween this Saturday and holidays just around the corner, I want to encourage the Six Rivers Community to continue to be safe and follow the advice of health officials.
All my best! It is good to be a Pirate.
Ron Perry
Six Rivers Charter High School
Six Rivers Charter High School