Six Rivers:
Welcome back! I hope you all had a restful and healthy break. We are entering the homestretch before the end of the semester. I encourage all students to put forth their best effort in these next few weeks. Remember, the semester ends on December 18th. So, once again, I encourage all students to start early, reach out to teachers and aides when you need it, and to avoid waiting until the last minute. Finish strong.
In addition, to the important lessons and assignments on the horizon, here are a few more important elements for you all to consider.
- Get your very own Six Rivers gear now! Sport and Cycle has created an online store in which our community can purchase Six Rivers clothing. Visit https://
sixriverscharterspirit. to view the options. The store will remain open until December 10th. Clothing will be delivered to Six Rivers following the Winter Break and will be available at Six - The Parent Advisory Committee will meet on December 10th at 5:30 pm. The key item of discussion, will be plans for the spring in light of the circumstances brought about by COVID. Currently, there are discussions regarding potential strategies The link to join the meeting is . This meeting is open to the public. - A Northern Humboldt school board meeting will take place on December 15th at 6pm. Check the district website for details for the meeting.
All my best,
Ron Perry
Six Rivers Charter High School