Attendance Guide
Why Attendance is Important
- Knowing your student is safe at school.
- Attending school every day allows a deeper understanding of classroom content and materials.
- Attending school every day creates a healthier local community.
- Students will be prepared for college, trade schools, and/or working for a local business after graduating.
- Research shows there is a significant positive relationship between student attendance and student achievement.
- SRCHS & our District Office is paid by the state for the daily attendance of your student.
Tardy Policy:
In an effort to encourage our students to be on time and in the classroom when the bell rings, Six Rivers is implementing the following Tardy Policy and consequences.
6 tardies= 1 Rule School
2 T>30= 1 Rule School
CT (1 period) = 1 Rule School
TS = 1 Rule School
2 T>30= 1 Rule School
CT (1 period) = 1 Rule School
TS = 1 Rule School
If Your Student is/will be Absent (full or partial day)
Please let the SRCHS Attendance office know right away. You can use the online Attendance Form (sent to parents via email), email [email protected], or call the office at (707) 825-2428. Make sure to specify the reason so we can input the correct information. See Types of Absences below. Changes cannot be made to attendance after 3 days.
As your student's primary school, The SRCHS Attendance Office will adjust your student's attendance for both SRCHS and AHS. You do not need to contact both schools.
Leaving Campus
If your student must leave campus for any reason, the Attendance Office must hear from a guardian first. Again, this can be done using the online form, email, or calling. Teachers cannot excuse students from class until they receive confirmation from the Attendance Office and the student has received an Off-Campus Pass. Leaving without an Off-Campus pass will result in a CUT and disciplinary action will be taken.
Note: Advanced notice is preferred, as it avoids phone calls to classes while in session, which may make the student feel embarrassed or anxious. For example, if a doctor or dentist appointment is made months in advance, feel free to share this with the Attendance Office.
Returning to Campus/Tardy Slips
If your student is late to class or returning after an appointment, they must go to the Attendance Office for a Tardy Slip. Otherwise, the Attendance Office is unaware of the student's return to campus and will not adjust the student's attendance.
This is a convenient way to track student attendance as well as academic progress. It can be found by clicking this link or at the front of our website. Questions regarding attendance can be directed to (707) 825-2428.
Short Term Independent Study
If you know that your student will be absent for more than 3 days, fill out the Short Term Independent Study Request. This is available for students for no more than 14 days in the school year.
Types of Absences
**Please note that the State of California determines if a reason is deemed "excused" or "unexcused."
Excused Absences (EA)
- Illness/Sickness (A doctor’s note is required for excess of three days.)
- Mental Wellness (Evaluation from a medical professional must occur for excess of three days.)
- Quarantine
- Medical Appointment
- Funeral of Immediate Family Member
- Jury Duty/Court Appearance
- Observance of Religious Holiday
- Religious Retreat (limit 4 hours per semester)
Unexcused Absences (UA)
These are absences which parents have approved but do not meet the state criteria for an excused absence. Teachers are not required to provide missed work/assignments to students with an unexcused absence. Students with 20 unexcused absences per semester may be given a failing grade and may not receive credit for the class.
Uncleared Absences (UC)
When the guardian has yet to contact the Attendance Office to clear the student’s absence. Teachers are not required to provide missed work/assignments for uncleared absences. If an absence is not cleared within 3 days, a UC turns into a Cut (CT).
Cuts (CT)
A cut is an absence from class for more than 10 minutes without a valid excuse. When a student does not attend their scheduled class or leaves campus without permission they will receive a Cut for every period missed and disciplinary action will be taken.